domingo, julho 22, 2007

time passes in moments...

"Time passes in moments... moments which, rushing past, define the path of a life just as surely as they lead towards its end. How rarely do we stop to examine that path, to see the reasons why all things happen, to consider whether the path we take in life is our own making or simply one into which we drift with eyes closed.

But what if we could stop, pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes?

Might we then see the endless forks in the road that have shaped a life? And, seeing those choices, choose another path?"

(All Things, The X-Files [7X17])


Blogger Orinol disse...

uindo... como que diz lindo...
este tipo de frases, deixa-me sempre a pensar, na mítica pergunta... "Quem nasceu primeiro, o ovo ou a galinha?"...


12:59 da manhã  

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